Whatever your fitness or healthy goal is, be it to lose weight, expose muscle, or improve overall health, your eating habits must be in check in order to reach it! What we put on the inside, we wear on the outside, and effects our health, no matter how much we exercise! Now, it is important to exercise, and it helps sculpt and shape our body, but fat loss or gain is mainly based on what we consume. Even if your goal is to be more muscular, what and how you eat is what will grow it and expose it. When you give your body the “right stuff”, it returns the favor by performing at its best!

Are you a breakfast eater? Did you know that people who don’t eat breakfast are 4 times more likely to be obese than people who do? 4 TIMES!! We call it “breakfast” for a reason. It is 2 words crammed together….Break Fast. One of its most important purposes is to break the fast your body has been on for 8, 10 or 12 hours. When we don’t break this fast, it stalls out your metabolism because the body wants to go into starvation mode…. Survival. This causes the body to hoard calories and store fat. Skipping breakfast also does a negative number on your blood sugars, causing cravings. Start the day off right! Eat something within an hour of waking. It doesn’t have to be large and it doesn’t have to be typical breakfast food! You’ll have energy for your day, and your success with weight loss will improve!!! I promise!!!
Crash and Fad Diets are not the answer! While TEMPORARY success is usually achieved, it is just that….TEMPORARY! And once you have participated in the such, your body is no longer efficient at burning fat. Never go on a “diet”! People can have success while they’re on it, as soon as they go off of it, they typically gain it all back plus more! How can that be considered success? Success is sustained fat loss. Now there’s a lot more to it than this, but the simple science behind weight loss is calories consumed versus calories expended. Like during intermittent fasting, when you only give yourself a certain window of time to eat, you are creating a caloric deficit. That is typically why the weight loss occurs in this diet. However, no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE is going to make this their lifestyle. The other problem with it is that when you do not eat often enough, you risk your body going into famine mode and beginning to hoard fat and calories for survival just as I stated above. Which is especially bad if a muscle loss is created from the deprivation, and often is. Same for diets depriving your body of carbohydrates. Never deprive your body of quality carbs! Our body finds it difficult to perform without an energy source, and starts to try to burn protein, which depletes muscle, no matter how much you lift. It also creates water loss, which is very taxing on our vital organs. I believe in creating new, simple lifestyle habits that are realistic and sustainable. Dieting just isn’t that.
Don’t worry, I’m going to tell you just what to do!….
Your best results will be achieved by eating breakfast within an hour of waking, as I stated above, and then eating something every 2 1/2 to 3 hours thereafter. Eating frequently helps keep blood sugar and insulin levels stable. A body that receives food every few hours has the resources to repair itself and restock it’s energy stores. Eating infrequently causes the body to go into famine mode, storing food a person eats as body fat for fear it is being starved. Also, eating often regulates the hormones that effect hunger level. Combining protein and carbohydrates is key. Easily determine portions of each by using your fist. Of course, add vegetables to this combo whenever you like.
Stay away from added sugars, consume lean proteins, intact carbohydrates and good fats. Don’t worry yourself about percentages, just focus on the fact that when you do consume them, they will be “lean” “intact” “good”
Not only have I studied extensively, I personally apply this daily. I want you to have what I have…….to be Fit and Well
It’s very common to feel like you’re not making progress fast enough, despite faithfully sticking to a good nutrition plan. We can become obsessive about what the scale says, which ends up ultimately hindering our progress. As I have said many times before, the scale is only one measure of weight change, and while it is a consideration in progress, it absolutely does not tell the full story! “Weight” is influenced by several things….fluid fluctuations and how much food remains in your system. In fact, weight can fluctuate up to 4 lbs over the course of one day. Estrogen levels and other hormonal changes in woman can lead to greater water retention. Which means, you may very well be losing fat mass, but holding on to water. If you know you have done well with your eating, there is no need to even get on the scale. If you did well, there is no way you gained fat. Judge your progress by your habits, not by what the scale says. Stay consistent with good habits and progress is assured. It’s not what we do occasionally that makes the difference. It’s what we do consistently!
Often, the reason we lack consistency is we didn’t exactly use the best goal setting method, and become discouraged at the lack of success. By “best goal setting method” I mean this for example: You set an outcome (I will lose 10 lbs) but did not set behavioral goals to achieve the outcome. Set goals EVERYDAY to implement behaviors that will ultimately build your outcome. Such as ‘today I will do 18 minutes of cardio and pack a healthy lunch instead of going to the fast food drive-thru’.
Another important thing to consider is if your environment supports your goal. Our environment has powerful impact! What and who we allow around us matters! The things and people around us should support our goals. If not, we should be eliminating the things that are temptations, and spending less time around the people who don’t support us, and spending more time around those that love and care about us, and are on board with the changes we want to make. I’m always in your corner! Reach out! I’m here to help!