Hey! It’s me, Amber Dabney Smith, your Coach and Hope Dealer. I own this site and write Fitness³, but am being my own Guest Writer for Soul Food for this post. It is definitely cuisine for your heart as I expose my heart in regard to my Protector. And ya know something?? He’s yours too.

I am sure you have heard God referred to as Heavenly Father. I think that if everyone had a full understanding of this, so many wouldn’t get so uncomfortable at the thought of entering in to a relationship with Him. The misunderstanding so many have of Him is that He isn’t for you, He’s against you some how. Or that you must do something to earn a relationship with Him, to earn His acceptance, to earn His forgiveness, to earn His Love. Well, my experience with Him is that He can be trusted, he loves me unconditionally and has a band of angels assigned to me.
My dad died before I was age 2. As a young child I longed for a Daddy. I needed that security. The security that a Father can give. I missed him even though I didn’t remember him. I didn’t have those sit on his lap with his arms wrapped around me moments to feel safe. I wanted him to be proud of me. I wanted him to teach me things. I wanted to tell him I was scared and get comfort. I needed the gentleness and tenderness of a Father. I needed a Father’s love.
In my early school age years, I was plagued with fear. It tormented me. I was so afraid of loss. Afraid something would happen to my Mother, afraid I’d lose my brother or really just anyone or anything that I loved. I was petrified of being left alone, or even that something would hurt me. Did this come from the fact that I had lost my Father? Did it come from the lack of the security of a Father? Perhaps, but I had been taught about my Heavenly Father and began to seek Him for rescue. Psalm 68:5 Says He is a Father to the fatherless. In seeking Him, I grew this deep convicting thought, even at that very young age….”I am yours and you are mine. I am here. I will protect you”. As I sought Him more, every time I was scared, I repeated to myself that He would protect me. When fear would come on me, I would insist that I was not afraid! How, at this young age did I have the strength to do this? The power to overcome fear? MY FATHER. And overcome I did! I took complete victory over fear! I’ve never walked or moved in fear ever since! Me knowing He was there gave me confidence in everything I did after that and all I do still today! I have confidence. I just do. It comes from a belief that God loves me and protects me. No matter what happens, he loves me and is with me ALL. THE. TIME. Everywhere I go. I am NEVER alone.
While my Dad wasn’t there, God was there. I lacked nothing. He was my provider. He was present. He wasn’t just present, He was perfect. Sadly, often, children without fathers are uncertain who they are. Also sad is that some people who had/have fathers are still seeking that security of a solid identity. When God gave me His image, He also gave me identity. I know who I am and Whose I am. I’m not just His creation, I am His child. When I strayed from Him, He never labeled me, He just loved me. He is my Hero. He was and still is a constant in my life. You see, He never changes. He never leaves us. We are never alone. And what’s more, He fights for us. Though weapons may form against us, THEY WILL NOT PROSPER. He is our Protector. He wraps us in His arms and does not let us go. He silences fear and covers us in peace.
Do you have fear? Do you lack peace? Do you feel alone? Do you feel rejected? Would you want to live in a situation where you would always know your value? Would you want to live in an environment that no matter what you did, you’d be unconditionally loved? Would you want Joy that isn’t dependent on your circumstances? Would you ever want to live where you live free of fear? All the boundaries of your limitations would be erased? Be fully you? Would you run toward love, compassion, hope? Beauty and wonder? Of course you would. Insanity is to look for a Provider, a Protector, a Hero and run from God. I run to God. I know the creator of the universe. I not only know Him, He is my Father, He is my Protector. And He is yours too.
May the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.
“May His favor be upon you and a thousand generations, and your family and your children, and their children, and their children. May His presence go before you and behind you and beside you, all around you and within you. He is with you. In the morning and the evening. In your coming and your going. In your weeping and rejoicing. He is with you and He is for you.” Amen