The Flat Belly Program
In JUST 6 weeks
Shed belly fat and lean down the entire body from home! (Or the gym)
Maybe you want more confidence. Maybe you want to have a strong core and be wildly capable! OR… maybe you want to be SMOKIN’ HOT!
Whichever is your reason, you’re going to annihilate tummy fat, feel amazing, be so proud AND be your happiest self! Expedite your dream!
Even if you’re 38, 48 or 58 years old…
Even if you've never done anything like this before!

If you’re less than happy with your middle, I empathize with you! I’ve been there!
After my success, I shared my Belly Blasting Secrets! And the results were astounding!

Linda Johnson
Jennie Talbot
Deborah Smith
And now I’m making those short cut secrets available to you!
If I can do it, YOU CAN DO IT!
Now I am a Personal Trainer and Nutrition Specialist. You’ll have the coaching of a professional, for a fraction of the cost.
I’m determined to turn MY dream into YOUR reality!
I, Amber Dabney Smith, Hope Dealer and slayer of belly fat, will show you how to:
Get a Flat Belly
Have a Sleek, Lean Body
Be Healthy and energetic
Have Hope, Happiness and joy
Here's How We'll Do It
Totally fun, full follow along with me, time-saving workouts (approximately 15 minutes each) that combine both cardio and resistance using only body weight and will stimulate muscle and metabolism. These are not done live,so you can work on your own schedule.
Quick, easy, convenient meal and snack plans the whole family can enjoy, designed to save you time, oxidize fat and get you lean!You’ll be so surprised at what you can eat!
Encouragement and motivation to keep you going strong to the end! I do the workouts right along with you, so even if you are by yourself, you’re not alone!
Illustrate the skills for navigating life toward 3 part Fitness- Mind, Body and Spirit and TOTALLY OWNING being Fearfully and Wonderfully made ❤️❤️❤️
Support throughout the entire 6 weeks in a private Facebook group. Get your questions answered, be uplifted and virtually have your hand held by me (your coach) and other supporters.

Restaurant meal options
Belly breathing lesson
Bonus learning materials
6-week meal and snack plan (Quick, easy, convenient options; 4 ingredients or less)
Love and acceptance
Videos (workout with me!)
Built in rest days
Coaching/suppport inside private Facebook group
Hello, Beautiful! I’m your Coach and Hope Dealer, Amber Dabney Smith! I am 53 years old and have known my purpose in life since the 3rd grade! To be an encourager and uplifter and help others be truly happy! It wasn’t until I made my own transformation that I knew the exact avenue I would take to fulfill that purpose. I now have helped hundreds of women achieve and am elated to provide this fun exciting way to help even more! I am constantly asked how I have such a flat midsection and tiny waistline (especially at my age), so I decided to share the exact program I designed to do it! I’m a believer in 3-part Fitness – Mind, Body and Spirit, and while I have a formal education and am now a certified trainer and nutrition specialist, in addition, I have vast self-education and experience, mastering many areas of my life.
In my experience with myself and others, I have learned that if it doesn’t Fit life Well, success isn’t likely. Upon completion of this program, you will be Fit and Well in a way that Fits your life Well ❤️

Q. I am a very busy person and don’t have time for complicated tasks or meal preparation. Is this program complicated to follow?
A. No way! I promise this program will Fit your life Well. It is designed specifically for that. It will challenge you but be easy to implement! The workouts are only approximately 15 minutes, and all of the food options contain 4 ingredients or less to prepare! It couldn’t be more convenient!
Q. I don’t belong to a gym or have any exercise equipment. Will this work for me?
A. Yes, absolutely! This Program is designed to require NO equipment.
Q. I am a beginner (or deconditioned) exerciser, will I be able to do this program?
A. Yes! There are some modification options given, and if you find there are moves you simply aren’t ready for, you will do a move you know you can accomplish or simply just move your body in ANY way you choose during that particular move.
Q. I’ve been working out a long time. Will I be too advanced for this program?
A. This is a very unique program. It will challenge you in a way you aren’t used to. Everyone can benefit from doing something alternative to what they do regularly.
Q. Will this work for vegan or vegetarian eaters?
A. There are 168 meal/snack options to choose from. While most are carnivore, there are definitely plenty for vegetarians! Likely vegans will know how to adapt and substitute non vegan foods for vegan foods.
Q. I can’t eat wheat or any products with gluten. Can I still follow the nutrition part of the Flat Belly Program?
A. Gluten intolerance is common, and you can easily work around it. The food choices are flexible, and substitutions are easy.
Q. Will I be competing against men in this contest?
A. NO! Absolutely not. This competition is for women only. However, if your significant other wants to support you and do it with you, a man can certainly benefit and get results from this program.
Q. Once I sign up, how do I receive/access my program?
A. After you submit your payment details, you will be immediately directed on how to gain access to your program and all materials, including your food plan, all your workout videos, and complete guided personal training instruction and additional learning materials. Complete list of contest rules will also be provided at this time.
Q. How do I log in to the private Facebook group and how soon will I be able to start after I sign up?
A. After you submit your payment details, you'll be awarded access to the program. The Coach's Directive inside the program will include the link to the Facebook group. Once you request to join, your name will be checked against your purchase, and you will be admitted to the Facebook Group. Competition starts October 8th, 2023. Complete list of contest rules will also be provided with the Coach's Directive.
If after 30 days you aren’t seeing results, I’ll send you a refund!
I believe in the program, and I know you will have great success with it.

If you want a sleek midsection, abundant confidence, strong core, improved posture, entire body leanness, feminine hourglass shape, toned, polished appearance, feel more connected to yourself physically, mentally and spiritually, then let’s get after it!